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  • Material:R911406106

Quantity in stock: 0

ctrlX I/O 4 channel analog input terminal (0 to 20 mA, 16 Bit)

The analog input terminal XI332204 processes signals in the range from 0 to 20 mA in a ctrlX I/O station. The input signal is digitized with a resolution of 16 bits and transferred galvanically isolated to the system level. The 4 input channels are differential inputs.

Error states are shown at the channel LED on the removable peripheral connector and routed to the control via the local bus.

The logic and peripheral voltage supply as well as the EtherCAT-based module communication are routed through the module.

Unpacked Weight: 0.113 kg
Protection classIII
Electrical isolation1200 V UP to UL, 707 V UP/UL to FE
Maximum operating altitude5000
Productgroup ID4,6
EMC resistanceEN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-4
Current requirement UL40 mA
Post-assembly positionSenkrecht, auf einer waagerechten Tragschiene
International protection codeIP20
Current requirement Up21 mA
Overvoltage category2
Permissible air humidity (storage)10-100
Limit frequency of input filter15.7
Ambient temperature to4000 m: -25-45 °C
Contamination level2, no condensation
Ambient temperature from4000 m: -25-40 °C
Permissible air humidity (transport)45-95
A/D conversion time100
Number of channels4
Bit width, input data in the process data image (including fill bits)18 bytes in the standard representation
12 bytes in the "compact" representation
(Can be set channel-granularly)
Current input signal0-20 mA
Input resistance0.25
Signal typeDifferential
Connection typePush-in
Connection techniques2-Leitertechnik, geschirmt, paarig verdrillt
Common ModeMax. ±35 V compared to UPGND
Overload protectionNo, max. DC 10.4 V, Imax = 46 mA